February 14, 2025

Online wedding system allowed in New York

Given the precautionary measures of the Coronavirus outbreak, where weddings have been banned worldwide, many countries have now begun legalizing online marriages.

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Even before the Coronavirus, people used to get married online, but they had to attend government offices to register the marriage, but now, due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, it is getting easier to register for wedding online.

Under the precautionary measures to avoid the Coronavirus, where couples from Indonesia to India are getting married online, governments from the United Arab Emirates to Lebanon and New York also want married couples to get married online. Have allowed

Yes, the New York government, the largest US-infected state with the Coronavirus, has announced that those wishing to get married can register online.

The Governor of the State of New York, Andrew Cuomo, stated in his tweet that he had signed an executive legal decree, under which people would now be able to obtain an online marriage certificate. In her short tweet, the couple wanting to get married will be able to get married at home via online videos.

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Now, under the new order, couples wishing to get married will be able to pay their wedding rituals online, including obtaining a marriage certificate online from the nearest government office in their area.

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