In this post, we’ve shared how you can protect yourself from 5G radiation, and possible symptoms that might happen to your body.
The internet is filled with innovation and growing ideas. Over the past decade, we’ve learned a lot from our mistakes and implemented it in the future. The IT industry on one side has increased dramatically over the past couple of years. We’re seeing tons of great applications launched every day that changes our lifestyle for good. But whenever there’s good there’s evil too. There’s no doubt that these technologies have changed our lifestyle but contains some massive hidden disadvantages that the big tech companies always hide. For a company, it’s just a way of massive revenue, but for general people, it is harmful.
Industries like paramedical, energy productions, refineries, and wireless tech, spend billions of dollars each year just to keep the things under the radar. With the growing industry, we will soon see a breakthrough in technology, and one such topic that is trending for 2020 is 5G.
5G is a technology of top-notch and will change many lives, but will secretly destroy others. This is why you need to protect yourself from 5G and extreme EMF radiation.
The Era of 5G
2019 was a breakthrough in the telecom industry. We’ve seen some revolutionary smartphones like Galaxy Fold, and some amazing performance builds like Pixel 4. Every smartphone company is pushing others to create something that will exceed the performance of others, and one such technology is 5G.
5G is a technology-packed with enormous speed, high performance, larger channels, and amazing features. Other companies such as Tesla, BMW are also planning to launch 5G based electric cars in 2020. With 5g enormous speed, comes enormous electromagnetic radiation as well. Because it is a wireless technology such as microwaves.
With 5G towers installed at every corner of our neighborhood, we might appear to live in a microwave. And we all know that microwaves cause cancer. So if it’s this much harmful, why’s no one stopping it? Back in the days when 3G was converting to 4G, the same talk rise on many forums but nothing happened.
The same questions raised before, the same questions are rising right now. What we can do is follow some guidelines that might protect us from this excessive danger.
How to Protect Yourself from 5G Radiation?
Let’s just begin with the fact that humanity usually prefers to build something that brings in more money and only after, we discover that it ruins our life. 5G is the technology of wireless communication. It will provide speed with 100x more impact that we currently have, the 3rd and 4th generation. The problem is, to provide this much speed, we have to increase the wavelength of the current communication tower of up to 100%.
Meaning, it will increase the danger of microwaves of up to 100%. Although this technology is not yet released for the general public, all we can do is follow some guidelines, and to protect ourselves from extensive danger.
Educate Yourself: Knowledge is the key to success. Don’t live under a rock and research as much as you can. We’ve mentioned some great tips here, but we also encourage you to try out other blogs. This is about your life, so stay put!
Purchase Radiation Sheilds:
Yes! This radiation shares the similarities of Nuclear plant radiation, but not as much like it. The best way is to purchase an EMF shield. Buy an EMG radiation meter, and take readings of your whole house. If you see high results on the meter than install EMF shields in that area.
Don’t use much tech:
Things like laptops and smartphones are part of our lives. In fact, an average Adult uses 10-12 hours a day by looking at smartphone screens. We’re not saying to just quit these technologies, just limit the timeframe of usage. If in a general day, you’re using 5 hours of On-screen time than limit it to 2-3 hours. You can analyze your screen type directly from your smartphone. And useless social media aswell.
Stay Positive:
A healthy mind is a healthy body. Remain positive and strong, help people and constantly improve and polish yourself with new things. Go to a walk for 20-30 minutes a day, and use a healthy diet.
Use Sunlight:
Sunlight is one of the best natural ways to get Vitamin D, in our body. These vitamins are infused with anti-inflammatory properties that are very effective to fight a high level of radiation.
SuperFoods are another effective way to fight these harmful materials from the inside. Food like Yogurt, berries, Fish, Nuts, Whole grains and Olive oil falls under the category of SuperFoods. A natural way of healing is one of the best ways of healing.
Destination matters a lot:
Destination matters a lot when it comes to the high frequency of EMF radiation. I know it sounds a little odd but never lives near a cell tower. There are so many financial factors that come in the way but if you have resources then choose a healthy place. In the end, what is better than a healthy life?
5G Radiation is still a new concept and we’ll see a lot of new researchers when the technology will be initially launched. However, we’ve not seen a direct relationship with EMF exposure and cancer. But it is a good habit that you start early and Protect Yourself From 5G radiation.