February 14, 2025

Now you can Identify Disease using Smart Toilet Seat

Are you suffering from an illness? It is now possible to diagnose this with the toilet seat.

toilet seat

Yes, Stanford University in the USA has developed a smart toilet that can identify people and monitor their health through waste and urine.

The article published in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering describes the features of this smart toilet designed to monitor health.

With the help of cameras and motion sensors, the toilet system can identify various diseases including waste and urine, including colon and bladder cancer.

smart toilet

Researchers say that at first people used to laugh at the idea, but everyone had to use the toilet and the idea of ​​making it a diagnostic device was very interesting.

It has a people identification system that can identify someone with the help of a hip. This may seem strange, but the hips, like the fingerprints, are different. Currently, the toilet system is undergoing preliminary steps, i.e, there is no alternative to a doctor, but it can alert people so they can call for medical help.

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It analyzes the toilet waste patterns in an algorithm and identifies the elements in it. The same algorithm also analyzes urine and sees abnormal changes.

The toilet was tested by 21 people, while another 300 are being made part of the research, and 52 percent of them said they were satisfied with the idea.

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