February 14, 2025

Google Duo now supports video calls for up to 12 People

In days of self-isolation, we’re all looking for ways to connect with our loved once. Whenever you think of online video calling application, Zoom and Skype always come to our mind.

Google Duo

Now another lead has entered the race, Google has exceeded the limit of video call support on its video-sharing platform. Google Duo now supports up to 12 people making it a viable choice for people to connect worldwide.

Zoom is a trendy application nowadays and the number of users has increased a lot. But with zoom, there is always a privacy issue as most of the meetings can be shared with an online link. Using this way, anyone can join the conference.

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The announcement was made from Google senior director Snaz Ahari on twitter.

We all know that Google takes the privacy issue somewhat seriously, so now you can use Google Duo to make video calls. Also, you don’t have to update your application for this, it’s preloaded on the latest patch.

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