February 14, 2025

Common Household Chemicals are the cause of Children’s Mental Impairment

Commonly used chemicals in homes in the United States and Europe are causing not only the decline in children’s IQ but also their brain and nervous system.


Data from the Center for Disease Control and other institutions in the United States is reviewed in the Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. The survey compares the age of the breeding mother and the blood sample of children up to five years old.

The report states that two types of chemicals are extremely hazardous, such as insecticides and wood-based fire-fighting chemicals that include Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers. Pesticides include arginine phosphate, which protects plants and trees from insects. Both of these types of chemicals are commonly used in many household cleaning processes.

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According to the University of New York’s Langone Medical Center, firefighting chemicals have affected more than 7 million children mentally, and the number of pesticides is more than 100,000 people.

The US Environmental Institute says fire protection chemicals are no longer used in many homes and need to be eliminated altogether. Pesticides, on the other hand, require strict control. Earlier, surveys on millions of children in several Scandinavian countries showed that phenol used in schools causes respiratory and lung diseases.

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