Newborn mother’s frequently open the pamper and check if there’s some leakage or not, this wastes a lot of time.
A low-cost technology has made significant strides toward addressing this issue. Engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a small RFID sensor that sends a message to the mother or other partners when the pamper is wet.
RFID sensors can be mounted in any hydrogel diaper because hydrogels are common in many pamper brands. Applying it does not matter the composition and weight of the pump.
As diapers get wet in the case of bras, the RFID sensor reports it in a meter circle that can be viewed on the phone or tablet.
There is no need for a separate battery for the sensor and it can be reported on the home Wi-Fi network as well. Mothers know that not only do babies cry with wet pampers, but they can wake the parents at any time of the night. This is why wet pimps in the United States are also causing divorce.
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Although sensory diapers are made, they could not be popular because of their high cost. Then it gets heavier with the battery and the blue tooth sensor in it.