March 30, 2025

Fix Wifi Slow on Android: Improve Wifi Speed on any Phone

Smartphones are the most used electronic gadget in today’s world. They allow us to connect with people around the world without any boundaries. It is the main source of internet usage today, which means that the fastest internet speed is crucial for your uninterrupted connection. A slow internet connection creates a lot of challenges for one considering they have some important tasks to do.

If you’re facing the “Wifi Slow on Android” problem on your smartphone, don’t worry! There are a lot of factors that might fix the problem. Depending on software to hardware, here’s a comprehensive guide on how you can fix slow Wifi android.

How to Fix Wifi Slow on Android

Here are some handful of ways that will help you fix the slow wifi on your Android smartphone.

Fix Slow Wi-Fi using Network Analyzer

If your phone is receiving a poor Wi-Fi connection or suddenly breaking up from the main source and connecting itself altogether, then you can measure the strength of your Wi-Fi signal by using third-party apps like Network Analyzer. This utility app checks your current available Wi-Fi connection and lists out signals that might conflict with your device.

There is a lot of signal interference going around in your room. This includes Bluetooth connectivity, radio waves, microwaves, etc. Usually, these signals interfere with the same frequency and tolerate with your Wi-Fi connection, resulting in no working scenario. Use the Network Analyzer tool to see if you have network interference. Once found, change the frequency bandwidth for each channel on your network device.

To do this, log in with your network admin panel. By default, this is the address: “”. Add your network credentials here, select the Wireless connection you’re using, go to the designated control channel, and change it to the one that is not being used by other Network devices.

Forget your Network Connection

If so far you still have a slow internet issue then try forgetting your network setting and starting over. For this, go to your smartphone settings > WiFi and select the connected network. Now tap the option Forget Network and again login with the username and password. Once you’re logged in with your network connection, the issue will be resolved.

Restart your Router

This may seem like a simple solution but it might actually fix this. WiFi routers being running for consecutive days might land into potential problems. It is possible that your router is running a lot of CPU cycles or running out of memory. In the end, it is also a machine that requires some ideal time. Go to your WiFi router and press the restart button at the back of the device. Wait for 15-20 seconds and switch it back in. Based on your router, it will take roughly 1-2 minutes to get fully functional.

Reset WiFi Settings

Reset WiFi Settings

There is an option available on your Smartphone device that allows you to fix such problems. Doing so will flush all your saved wifi connection, paired Bluetooth devices, and mobile data settings. Basically, you’re restoring your network settings to factory restore. For this, head over to your smartphone settings and type in “Reset network settings” in the search area. Depending on your security, your phone might ask for a password or pin. Hit enter and all your network settings will be reset.

Beware of Wi-Fi Thieves

Beware of people that stole your wifi connection if you’re not using any password protection. Always use a complicated password and SSID. If you use a simple to guess wifi password, people can easily crack it and use your network. This directly affects the speed of your network which in turn creates a slow wifi issue on your android device.

Background Apps

A lot of Apps running on your background can create this issue as well. Some apps constantly use the WiFi network on the background which in turn slows the overall network performance of your phone.

Poor Router Position

One main reason of your phone getting a slow network connection is because your Wifi Router is not placed in the right position. Place it on a commonplace on your house where there is less interruption. And it is better that you place it on a surface that has height.

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Why my Wifi Internet is Slow?

As we’ve mentioned, there can be a lot of reasons why the wifi is working slow on your android smartphone. Using the methods we have provided above will fix your problem. If you’re still stuck with the Wifi not working issue, then we recommend you to take your smartphone on a hardware checkup store.

There is a possible reason that your Smartphone WiFi Antenna has defected. If it’s under warranty, then you can reclaim the part from the official service center. If not, it will not cost you a fortune for the fix. It’s just a small chip on your smartphone place next to the Wifi section hub.

Final Thoughts:

We hope that your Slow Wifi Android issue is fixed by now. Let us know down in the comment section which method worked for you. In the meantime, go enjoy Fast internet.

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