Greenland: The rate of snow melting on the planet has increased. Now the news is that the icy layers of Greenland are melting so fast that it has melted 4 trillion in the last 30 years.
Experts say the biggest decline in the snow was between 1992 and 2018 when 3.8 trillion snow melted and became part of the ocean. This study is in-line with the United Nations Environmental Panel on Climate Change, which states in its 2014 report that the global ice reservoirs will melt rapidly and by 2100 the melting of the ice into the oceans will increase the average level of the oceans from 52 to 98 cm.
Climate change is the most severe problem that we are facing today, more serious even than the threat of terrorism. David King
This research was conducted by the University of Leeds scientists under the supervision of Professor Andrew Sheppard. They have expressed serious concern over Greenland’s snowfall. In 2000, the destruction began, and as the snow melted, more water began to melt, as the average global sea temperatures rose in the same year.
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Although it did not have much effect at the time. In time its rate and strength of strong hurricanes have increased over the past decade.
An example of this is North America’s famous Hurricane Sandy in 2012. So it can be said that minor changes can have a huge and devastating effect. In 2100, 63 million people around the world will be at sea and repeatedly faced with a hurricane. In this situation, the melting ice of Greenland itself will play an important role.